Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I am grieving. I am grieving in ways I did not even recognize. I am tired all the time. I am overcome with inertia. I am painfully aware of the fine line there is between treasuring each day because it might be the last day, and feeling like nothing really matters because we're all going to die anyway. The line between awareness of love and of all the beauty that surrounds us all the time, and the despair of knowing that it can all disappear in an instant. Sometimes I feel Sharon all around me. I hear her in my head. I feel her in my house. And other times, all I feel is her absence. Where do I turn? Where do I go? I know that life does not exist as we think it does, nor does death. Energy can't be created or destroyed - only changed into another form. Everything we do or say has an effect that will only bear fruit at a some later time. There was a deadly earthquake in Haiti today. Thousands of lives were lost or changed in seconds. It can happen to any one of us at any time. It has happened to me. I miss my friend. I am grieving.

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