Monday, February 15, 2010

I Am You and You Are Me

Just as an event does not stand alone and exist by itself, “I” do not stand alone and exist by myself. The “I” that is going to Guatemala to build homes with From Houses to Homes is but a link in a chain. It is easy to think that it is “me” who is going, but that “me” is made up of so many things: Parents and grandparents who not only gave me my DNA, but also instilled in me a belief that it is each person’s responsibility to help those in need. They taught me that the suffering of others is my own. “I” am also made from a husband who loves me unconditionally and supports my path, and children who are compassionate and caring about the world around them. “Me” is not separate from all of the experiences and people who have touched my life – the good and the bad. Each has shaped my idea of who I am. Take away one of these experiences, remove one person from my history, and who knows what, or how, I’d be. We are intertwined, beyond our wildest imaginings, knowingly or unwittingly planting the seeds for the future.

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