Tuesday, April 7, 2009

love your obstacles

I think Eve ate the apple because she was bored out of her mind. Living in a perfect world doesn't mean that there are never disagreements or obstacles. It means that we meet them with grace, compassion, patience and kindness. When things don't go our way, people disagree with us, or we can't get what we want, we often blame those things for our unhappiness or discontent. But the real cause is how we relate to these experiences. As Master Patanjali says in the Yoga Sutras, 2.3: "Ignorance, egoism, attachment, aversion, and clinging to bodily life" are the cause of our problems. What would life be without hurdles to jump over, personalities and differences of opinion to negotiate and tolerate, or setbacks to make us stronger? Dull. Meet your obstacles with an open heart and mind. Look to what they teach you. Be inspired and intrigued, and keep growing.

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