Wednesday, April 22, 2009

when the world was flat

For thousands of years, people were convinced that the world was flat. For thousands of years, some people were convinced that people of darker skin were inferior. And now it appears that for years, many in our government were convinced that torture was acceptable. It is important to remember that at any given time, we can be caught up in a terribly mistaken view of reality, even while believing that we are being objective and rational. And this view can cause terrible pain to others and to ourselves.

Recently, I had a strong belief about the right course for an organization I work with. This view brought me into conflict with people I care deeply about, and the conflict caused pain to them and to me. At its core, the conflict was because I was viewing the organization and the people involved as being on the "outside", i.e., a multitude of separate objects and events distinct from "me." When I looked at the situation without putting "it" outside of "me," i.e., from the perspective of what would bring the most happiness to all concerned, and not from the perspective of who was right about the course of action to take, my investment in my plan of action dissolved. It seemed far less important than a course of action that brought peace and harmony to our organization. Where there is unhappiness in your life, question the view it is based on. Remember, for centuries people thought the world was flat.

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