Sunday, February 22, 2009

angels everywhere

Yesterday I took a long walk on the beach past the new resort they are building to a part of the beach that is untouched and wild. The seaweed from the coral reef washes up onto the beach here, and in front of the resorts workers and trucks sweep it away. But venture past the developments and there is seaweed everywhere. And mixed in with the seaweed are myriad items of humankind -- juice boxes, parts of toys, condoms, plastic bottles and bags. I came upon a woman picking up garbage. She was staying at the "Grand Moon," the most exclusive of the Moon Palace hotels. She said that staying in a place so beautiful made her feel particularly responsible to clean things up that other people left behind. As we talked more, she shared with me that just prior to leaving for their trip, her husband was diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer, and was scheduled to start chemo the day after their return. And that this made her feel even more appreciative of the beauty all around her and the obligation of people to clean up the planet for future generations. Because as her husband's illness made crystal clear, life is fleeting and can change at any moment. So often it takes catastrophes, or angels, to make us realize the fundamental truth that our existence is fragile and to be treasured. So seize the day!

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