Friday, February 20, 2009

follow your curriculum

I got some flack for my last post. Several people were skeptical that the workers here are truly happy, and thought it might just be a show for the guests. But we have been here for 4 days and have yet to encounter a staff person who doesn't smile and seem truly interested in being helpful and kind. They seem to embody the Buddhist and Yogic concepts of joyful effort -- taking delight in doing what is constructive. Joyful effort means you exert the necessary effort and ability to persevere. You don't sludge along at the beginning, poop out in the middle, and fizzle at the end. The joyful mind is energetic and buoyant; every action is done with joy and not with “shoulds,” “oughts,” “supposed-tos,” obligation, guilt and all those other familiar attitudes.

Ram Dass says that whatever is going on in our lives -- career, relationships, family obligations -- is our "curriculum." Our job is to do the best we can with the most positive attitude we can muster. As in school, not every course is a favorite, but we must still give our best effort and try to get that "A."

When I feel like I just can't cut the crusts off another peanut butter and potato bread sandwich, I will remind myself of the kindness and joyful demeanor of the staff here at the Moon Palace. Being a mom, and all that goes with it, is part of my curriculum. And so, as I spread the peanut butter, I will remind myself to chant "love and magic," and put a special note in Samy's lunchbox to bring a smile to her face.

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