Wednesday, February 18, 2009

hotel earth

Here at the Moon Palace (yes, I'm on vacation in a Mexican paradise), the staff is incredible. At every turn, there is someone to ask if you need help, if you would like another drink, or if you need anything at all. Each person I encounter seems genuinely happy to be of help. I imagine that the management must have said "the guests are here for a week. It is each of our jobs to make their stay here amazing. So anticipate their needs, see to their comfort, and take joy from making them happy from the minute they arrive until they check-out." This morning, I woke up thinking that it would be wonderful if each of us viewed ourselves as staff on hotel earth. That it is our job, our assignment, our mandate, to make the stay of all the other guests amazing. To anticipate each other's needs, see to each other's comfort, and take joy from making each other happy until we check out. Because we will. And we must. And we should.

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