Friday, February 13, 2009


When I teach yoga, my students sometimes get frustrated when they fall out of a balancing asana like tree pose. I tell them to look at it as a chance to have a "do-over." So often we wish we could turn back time. We think, if I had just said "this," or hadn't said "that," or "if I knew then what I know now." And we re-play it in our minds, thinking, if only I could do it over.

Yesterday, my husband finally got his ankle x-rayed and it is, indeed, a fracture. He came home with a big bulky air-cast that he has to wear all the time for 4 weeks, except when he is sleeping or showering. Now, he is bummed out all over again. (If you don't know the story, it's here.)

I feel for him. But I am also grateful that I get another chance to act generously and compassionately. To put myself in his shoes and try to give him what he needs, both physically and emotionally. I didn't do this so well when he first hurt his ankle. I am excited to get a "do-over." During the next four weeks, I imagine I'll be falling again and again.

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