Saturday, February 7, 2009

a grain of sand

A pearl is a thing of great beauty, that is created by an oyster out of something that is irritating. A grain of sand, for example, gets into the oyster's shell. The oyster can't expel it, and so, as a defensive mechanism, covers up the irritant to protect itself, slowly creating a luminous, iridescent coating around the tiny grain of sand. People in our lives can be like these grains of sand. I work with a friend who sometimes sees the world very differently than I do. I tend to think anything is possible. I get swept away by an idea, and my immediate inclination is to dive right in and go for it. I always believe my plans will turn out for the best, and that everyone involved will act fairly and generously, and be just as enthusiastic as I am. My friend, unlike I, is careful and cautious. It is not that she doesn't have a big heart -- she does. But her "default" outlook is to think about what can go wrong, the problems that may arise, and to worry that people won't cooperate. At times, I have been irritated by her. I have viewed her as a naysayer, and a pessimist. But over time, I have come to appreciate her and value her more than she knows. I know that I can always look to her to point out things that I not only overlook, but that won't even occur to me. My exuberance often blinds me to different possibilities, and I know I can count on my friend to step on my brakes and say "Whoa!"

We can each be like the oyster with a pearl. If we look at it a different way, that irritating grain of sand can actually be a great gift. An unpleasant, abrasive situation can instead bring transformation and wisdom. Don't we grow most because of the difficult people and situations in our lives? A pearl is an oyster's work of art; beauty created from something that initially was unwelcome. My friend has helped me to be more thoughtful, thorough, and contemplative. By giving me these gifts, she is a jewel in my life.

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