Wednesday, February 4, 2009

a good sit

I try to meditate for at least 20 minutes every day. It doesn't always happen. Sometimes, I oversleep. Sometimes a little buddha comes and sits on my lap and starts chanting OM, which is lovely but distracting. But sometimes, it happens and it is beautiful. Today in meditation I saw myself as a big outline with every being I have ever had contact with as "living" inside of me and inside each of them was everyone they have ever known and so on. So that inside the outline of "me" were infinite beings. I was aware that my whole concept of "I" depends on all of the interactions I have had with all of these beings, and their concepts of "I" depend on their interactions with all of the beings in their lives, and so on, so that there is no one "me." Instead, we are all made up of infinite beings, and everyone else any of them have ever known. I felt as if the whole universe was inside of me and that I was part of the universe all at the same time. I then became aware that the air I was breathing is shared with every other sentient being on this planet. I felt a tremendous kinship with everyone in the world, and felt us all dissolve into one being and no being. We are all just light, inhaling the same air and exhaling into the same atmosphere like one organism.

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