Wednesday, May 20, 2009

let it flow

I am surrounded by angels. I walk my daughter to school each morning and Mr. Larry, the crossing guard, is there ushering children across the street and holding off cars as if they were fire-breathing dragons threatening his precious princes and princesses. "Come on over Samy," he calls, and Samy skips across the street, protected by an angel. I walk home and the irises in my front yard send their sweet scent to me, their iridescent purple colors gladdening my eyes. My dog bounds forward to greet me, her tail wagging; she showers me with unconditional love as if we'd been parted for eons, not just 5 minutes. (What if humans always greeted each other with this much affection?) My snowy white cat trots beside her -- a testiment to how beings from completely different species, supposedly natural antagonists, can find common ground. Later this morning, I will go to Samy's spring concert. Many little angels will lift their voices in song and their parents, all angels, will beam their love. Many of these parents have recently lost their jobs. Some are confronting selling their homes. Others are battling illnesses that their children know nothing about. There are hardships. But this morning, love will prevail. Just as a stream will erode the hardest stone, so love will overcome the hardest circumstances, if you let it flow.

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