Tuesday, May 19, 2009

making sense of the senses

to realize the true nature of reality, you must meditate with single pointed concentration and analysis. To calm the mind enough to focus single-pointedly, you must perfect your morality. How can the mind concentrate if it is wrapped up in thoughts of anger, jealousy, longing, lusting, mindless chatter, and gossip? I was reminded of this this morning, when, in the middle of my meditation, I started wondering about whether Mike had married Susan at the end of the season finale of Desperate Housewives, and whether Izzy really died at the end of the season finale of Grey's Anatomy. I could not calm my mind. No matter how much I tried to pull it back, It kept returning to Wisteria Lane and Seattle Grace.

Watching all of these TV shows is definitely a form of mindless chatter. There's no question that it detracts from my meditation practice. So now that the season's over, I'm going to stop watching TV. Just as soon as I find out who won American Idol and Dancing with the Stars...

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