Tuesday, March 3, 2009

what wouldn't I do for Jesus

My husband has been home with his broken ankle since January 24 and we have 9 more days (but who's counting) to go until his x-ray when, hopefully, he finds out that he is healed and can get back to work. He can't drive and he (and I) am sorely missing the endorphins he's not getting sitting on our couch. He was initially very depressed about his injury, and the more he sunk into inertia, the more irritated I became. This didn't serve either of us. He was mad at me for not being more compassionate and I was mad at him for wallowing in his pain. Since January 24, his injury and our little pas de deux of emotion has been my primary yoga practice. I now share with you the technique that has helped me most. It has been to try to see him (I kid you not) as Jesus. After all, if Jesus were lying on my couch with a broken ankle, I would be happy to wait on him, bring him food, find the remote for him, even make phone calls for him (this was the request that caused me to search for higher ground!). Even a nice Jewish girl like me would feel honored to serve Jesus if he decided to recuperate chez moi. So when someone makes what feels like unreasonable requests to you, don't ask WWJD, ask what wouldn't I do for Jesus. And if he doesn't inspire you to be your highest, most patient self, try Ghandi, Martin Luther King Jr., or Mother Teresa. I've tried them all and they all work!

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